Why train in communication?

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Communication is one of the most interesting and indispensable disciplines in today’s world. It is indeed a very broad sector with techniques used in various related fields. Do you want to go in this direction? It is important to know why you should train in communication.

Training in communication to be versatile

When you choose to train in communication, the first thing you will be taught is that everything is communication. For this reason, communication is taught in many disciplines since it is a necessity in life in general. By mastering communication, many doors can be opened to you.

Many schools of communication offer other related fields as a specialization. For each of them, however, the communication strategies are always taught as well as all the tools used to implement them.

By learning communication, you also gain access to other sectors where it is still a must. These include marketing, digital, media and advertising.

Choose communication to access an interesting job

Because it is so broad, communication is a field that allows you to constantly learn and become versatile. All the jobs that are accessible to you by training in communication are thus, for the most part, evolving. You will always be able to look forward to career advancement.

In fact, communication is so broad that it allows you to move from one sector to another as a student or as a professional if you wish. In any case, it gives you access to an interesting careerpath that is far from monotonous.

Opting for communication and accessing numerous job opportunities

Since training in communication makes you versatile and operational in different sectors, the opportunities are as numerous as they are varied. As you leave your training and even during, opportunities will always come to you. That said, it all depends on your personal plans and professional ambitions.

Which baccalaureate to enter a school of communication?

You want to enter a school of communication? It is a course that is prepared since the baccalaureate. If you are wondering which baccalaureate to take to get into school, here are the different options available to you.

A general baccalaureate

If you have a general baccalaureate, regardless of the type of school you attend, you can consider studying communication. The choice of a general baccalaureate is often linked to a desire to study for a long time. To enter the communication field, it is recommended to have a literary baccalaureate.

That said, a scientific baccalaureate is just as useful for entering communications. Indeed, with the evolution of technology, it is a branch that requires a solid foundation in science to master certain essential tools of communication. For example, since digital communication has developed, knowledge of computers and statistics is welcome.

An STMG bac

The STMG or Sciences and Technologies of Management and Administration baccalaureate also allows you to enter a school of communication. Indeed, the subjects taught for this baccalaureate can serve as a solid foundation for training in communication during higher education.

A Pro Baccalaureate

If you plan to enter a school of communication one day, you can also prepare for it since the baccalaureate by opting for the Pro series. It is simply a matter of choosing a specialty that is related to the subjects taught in communications. For example, it is wise to opt for a Bac Pro in commerce and sales, or a Bac Pro in reception.

What are the communication channels?

There are many communication majors in which you can decide to specialize. Here is a non-exhaustive list of some of the most popular ones:

  • corporate communication;
  • event communication;
  • advertising communication ;
  • digital communication;
  • public communication.

Of course, we can also mention the related fields where communication is taught and is part of the core curriculum. These include:

  • marketing;
  • TRADE;
  • Media;
  • international relations.

What is the job after a communication school?

Given all the subjects taught in a school of communication, you can enter a large number of professions at the end of your training. Among the most popular are the following:

  • communication officer ;
  • director of communications;
  • advertising manager;
  • community manager ;
  • public relations officer ;
  • press officer ;
  • event manager.

How do I get into a communications school?

To enter a communication school, it all depends on the admission requirements of the institution. Some of them allow you to enter just after the baccalaureate, as is the case with Sup de Pub, whose admission requirements are available on the site. Others are accessible after a BTS or a license related to the main branches they teach. If you want to study communication and/or a related field at our school immediately after graduation, you can always ask in our FAQ section.


Updated 11 March 2024