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L’actualité de Sup de pub

Events and Projects

The Pub Night

Every year since 2016, Sup de Pub Bordeaux has invited its students, alumni, speakers and their friends and family to take part in an advertising…

Events and Projects

April fools’ day campaigns that marked 2024

1 April, a day both dreaded and cherished, is an opportunity for brands to deploy communication strategies that are as daring as they are unexpected.

Studies and Trainings

Why should you study abroad with Erasmus?

Taking part in Erasmus+ (launched in 1987) offers a unique opportunity to enrich your career through mobility, intercultural exchange and academic immersion in another European…

Studies and Trainings

Why study in Costa Rica?

In France, Costa Rica is a lesser-known destination for study than other foreign countries. Yet the country offers a host of advantages. Students and parents…

Professions and careers

Why work in the cultural sector?

Working in the field of culture goes far beyond a simple professional occupation. Culture in all its forms – whether visual arts, music, theatre, literature…

Studies and Trainings

How to study in New York?

Studying in New York is the dream of many students in France. This megalopolis is appreciated for its prestigious universities, its rich culture and its…

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Open House

Portes Ouvertes sur le campus – RDV à 10h




Forum – SUP DE PUB – Bordeaux – Lycée Fénélon Notre Dame (La Rochelle)
