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“Home of Explorers”: Sup de Pub new tagline

Sup de Pub will soon be 40 years old. 40 years of history, creation, passion and innovation. 40 years of expertise and openness to the world. 40 years is both a renewal and a rebirth. It’s also the moment to unveil a new milestone in the school’s history with our new signature “Home of Explorers”.

“Home of Explorers: a new signature, a new lease of life

With a history of stories to tell, it was time for Sup de Pub to open other drawers, other books, another story. We have always believed that communication is much more than just a discipline. It is a field of exploration where creativity, innovation and audacity meet.

This new positioning reflects our commitment to training professionals who do not follow set paths, but who dare to explore, create and push back the boundaries.

Explore to innovate: the DNA of Sup de Pub

Sup de Pub will soon be 40 years old. What does that mean for our students and graduates? A thousand and one explorations! The field of all possibilities and a strengthened DNA. Courses that stimulate innovation and curiosity in the younger generation, with the opportunity to explore all areas of communication.

A new signature, a new positioning, a new birth. A feeling of humility and, at the same time, a powerful sense of having a definite role to play with the younger generation. And to reconcile aspirations, inspirations, responsibilities and agility.

Training tomorrow’s explorers

Today’s generation is no easier or more difficult than yesterday’s, it’s just different and changing. New technologies have changed the game and made everything move faster. The way we teach has to adapt, evolve, question, adapt, assert itself, be agile and come up with new ideas.

For 40 years, we’ve been teaching Gen Z, the generation that is so often described as changeable, moving, astonishing, astonishing, baffling, fragile and full of values. We are training the future communicators of tomorrow in a world that is more complex but also more challenging, more multiplied and more daring.

A powerful network to serve your ambitions

Sup de Pub is almost 40 years old. And it’s still exceptionally employable: 50% of young graduates on sandwich courses stay with their host company after their studies. A vast network of over 20,000 graduates, 10,000 partner companies and more than 50 partner universities around the world. Exploration takes place at all levels. It’s national and international.

Sup de Pub is part of the OMNES network of over 10,000 partners.

Explore to build better

Exploring to bring out passions, exploring to improve learning and teaching in turn, exploring to invent, innovate and develop, exploring to co-construct a world in which students will see themselves growing and will continue to make the school grow with them.

We are proud of our commitment to the success of each and every one of our students, driven by a strong belief in the future.

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