Bachelor in Social Media
Become an expert in communications, digital marketing and e-reputation. A 3-year course to lay the foundations for an exciting career in the digital world.
The social media world
9.3 bn
sales in France
27 years old
average age in this sector
2 259
per month of average salary
growth in this sector
A booming market
The omnipresence of digital technology is driving companies to incorporate social networks and new technologies into their strategies on a massive scale. To stand out from the crowd and win over new audiences, communication skills are essential.
towards professional excellence
Key skills in this specialisation
- Mastery of various digital tools
- Increased knowledge of social networks
- Leading online communities
- Creation of social media content
- Creation of SEO-optimised web content
- Competitive intelligence
- Drawing up a graphic charter
- Setting up an editorial schedule
- Defining a digital strategy
- Use of performance measurement tools
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The program
Find out all about the course and how to apply for our bachelor’s degree in social media.
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Objective employment
Our partner companies
Quickly land an internship, work-study contract or even a permanent contract in social media within our network of partner companies, in France or abroad.

Discover the careers
of our former students
They learned about social media at Sup de Pub and are now shaping the image of the most inspiring brands… Find out more about the academic and professional careers of these students!
It's not so much skills that we're looking for, but curiosity, open-mindedness and a real personality.
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Big ambitions raise big questions
Our campus teams are ready to answer all your questions at a personal meeting.