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Make way for the artists!

And graduate artists, please! On 25 March, the Cirque d’hiver Bouglione was the setting for a parade of more than 1,200 M2 students who had come to celebrate their graduation in style.

A talented young generation, highly motivated by the future challenges that their Sup de Pub diploma will enable them to meet on the job market. In the media, agencies and advertisers, these future strategists, planners, art directors, copywriters and other communicators will soon see their careers begin or continue (on a sandwich course).

The graduation ceremony was a fitting occasion, and one that they will remember for a long time to come. Tributes first, with extracts from their various works, testimonials from their teachers and professionals, and examples of alumni with extremely varied profiles. An academic graduation ceremony, but also an artistic one. Ludwig and his jazz band, accompanied by a very enthusiastic Bondy children’s choir and a team of outstanding acrobats, Surprise Effect (a collective of world champions in acrobatic breaking and hip hop), got the better of a super-charged audience! The students and their families were moved and delighted…

And the nominees are…

And when it comes to love, you don’t count the cost! The highlight of the show was when the sponsors of the graduating classes made their entrance. These were influential figures from the world of communications, whose speeches recognised the talents of the young graduates and set the tone for their future. Cédric Astrella, executive creative director of MC Cann Paris, Europe’s most awarded creative director, with his latest campaign on breast cancer: ” The bread exam “, and IréneGrenet, senior civil servant at the Ministry of the Economy, former deputy CEO of France Télévision Publicité and author of ” Advertising in the new world “. A cocktail later, and everyone was backstage to remake the world. A great way to network all evening!

That’s what a Sup de Pub graduation is all about. An indescribable alchemy between an exceptional evening reflecting the past and a future in the making, mirroring the present.