Everything you need to know about the job of Digital Communication Officer: studies, salaries…

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Companies have understood that good digital communication is the key to success. It allows them to ensure their e-reputation and attract new customers. The Digital Communication Manager is the one who takes on this responsibility. Discover this exciting job through this article. We present you the reasons to choose this career. We also highlight its many benefits, including its salary.

What is a Digital Communication Manager?

The Digital Communication Manager is one of the pillars of the digital and web professions. He can be called web communication manager, digital communication manager or interactive communication manager.

He uses digital tools to develop the communication strategyof the company that employs him. This includes the website, social networks, affiliate and SEO tools.

He is the guarantor of the e-reputation of a brand. He is responsible for promoting it and distributing it online. He finds solutions to improve the image of the company and to make it stand out from the competition. It works to convey a positive image of the company to its prospects. The canvas remains his main field of intervention.

It also ensures the link between the latter and the Internet users. Her work is multi-faceted, involving communication, marketing, business techniques and creativity.

What are the missions of the Digital Communication Manager?

The Digital Communication Manager is in charge of the entire Web side of the communication strategy. As a result, it is entrusted with several missions. This involves:

  • to analyze the needs of the company;
  • define and implement a digital communication strategy;
  • to monitor competitors in order to adjust the established strategy;
  • to monitor technology to determine trends and developments;
  • to evaluate the behavior of Internet users and their mode of consumption;
  • to conclude collaborations with agencies and providers of the Web;
  • to manage all operations and projects online;
  • to be in charge of internal and external digital communication;
  • to broadcast the brand image of its company on the Web;
  • manage online operations while ensuring that the budget and deadline are respected;
  • to enhance the brand image and ensure the e-reputation of the company;
  • produce digital content for the brand;
  • to find the right channels to distribute multimedia content;
  • to manage the website and its content. It optimizes its operation;
  • to monitor the performance of the actions;
  • to measure the audience of the networks and the traffic on the Internet site;
  • collaborate with the communications department to highlight an event or promotion on the Web;
  • animate the community by organizing online activities such as contests;
  • report to management on the impact of the strategy;
  • to organize advertising campaigns.

Why become a Digital Communication Manager?

The job of Digital Communication Manager is on the rise. It is becoming increasingly popular, especially with SMEs and startups. As a result, recruitment has increased tenfold in recent years.

It is perfect for a web and technology enthusiast. You work mainly on the Internet and social networks, which is interesting for a young person. On the other hand, its missions vary greatly. This avoids a routine daily life.

This job allows you to work in an evolving field. You are at the heart of the innovations. You are aware of new trends and buzz. In addition, there are many opportunities for career development. You can easily climb the ladder to become a communications director or digital project manager.

What is the salary of a digital communication manager?

The minimum salary of a digital communication manager is around 2,000 euros per month. On average, it is just over 2,500 euros per month, or 31,000 euros annually. A beginner earns 27,000 euros gross per year, while an expert can expect up to 40,000 euros.

However, many factors come into play when defining the level of compensation for each profile. This includes the responsibilities given to him/her, the studies he/she has done and the scope of the structure.

What studies are required to become a Digital Communications Officer?

To become a digital communication manager, you must study digital communication and e-business. You need to have a bac+3 or bac+5. It is possible to join our advertising school Sup de Pub to train for this profession. Our programs are available from the baccalaureate to the baccalaureate+5 with a level 7 RNCP title at the end. We have:

  • Bac+3 Visual & Digital Creation ;
  • Bac+3 Digital Communication ;
  • Bac+4/5 Digital Marketing, Innovation & Start-up Project;
  • the social media strategy program.

We offer 6 campuses in the largest cities in France, namely Lyon and Paris. We also have them in London and San Francisco.

Updated 11 March 2024