Everything you need to know about the business developer job: studies, salaries…

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To make a business grow, it is important to know how to detect growth opportunities. This is part of the business developer’s mission. This profession appeared thanks to the strong influence of digital technology and is now booming. To learn more about this exceptional profession, discover our explanations on its role and remuneration. If you wish to work in this position one day, we can also advise you on the best choice of training.

What is a Business Developer?

The business developer is a versatile agent who is responsible for developing the activities of a company. It is the guarantor of its overall growth. This involves the commercial, economic and communication aspects. Its objective is to study all solutions that can optimize each service.

To do this, he is responsible for determining and implementing an effective commercial strategy . It carries out analyses and surveys to draw up a development plan in line with the latter. It then communicates it to the relevant divisions.

He ensures its implementation by creating a clear and detailed business plan where he makes a distribution of tasks. It involves all the main actors of the company. After validation, he is in charge of piloting the project. It ensures the outcome and success of the project.

A good business developer is strategic, methodical and organized. He masters perfectly the commercial, sales and prospecting techniques. He/she has good interpersonal skills and good negotiation skills. He knows how to lead and motivate a team.

What are the missions of the Business Developer?

The missions of the Business developer are numerous. He is multi-hatted. This requires great organization and time management. In its entirety, it deals with :

  • the study of the needs of his company in favor of its growth;
  • the study of the market which concerns him and to make a competitive watch to anticipate the possible evolutions;
  • collaboration with all the company’s divisions to ensure their development;
  • identifying new growth opportunities;
  • the elaboration of a development strategy in line with the company’s objectives;
  • The establishment and formalization of the business plan with action plans;
  • the transmission of the development plans to the concerned actors;
  • distribution of tasks ;
  • the concretization of the business plan by ensuring its validation with the management;
  • the search for new commercial agreements and their negotiation;
  • Customer loyalty by facilitating their relationship with the company;
  • the management and control of the company’s affairs in order to make its finances grow;
  • the contribution of new and innovative ideas;
  • taking care of the company’s major customers to guarantee their satisfaction;
  • Animation and leadership of teams in the implementation of the project.

Why become a Business Developer?

Becoming a business developer means having great responsibilities. This makes it very rewarding. You work in a fulfilling and pleasant environment. Your numerous missions allow you to vary your days. It’s also a contact job. If you already have good interpersonal skills, it is ideal for you.

You practice as a leader. You motivate teams and drive major changes in the company.

Always on the lookout for new developments and trends, the Business Developer is at the center of developments. It sharpens your curiosity and flair for detecting the best opportunities. This can also be useful in your personal life.

This is a fast-growing field that is not likely to stagnate. In development with digital, it still has a bright future ahead of it. Moreover, the employment opportunities are constantly increasing, as all SMEs want to have him in their ranks. You are free to work in the sector of activities that interest you.

In addition, the position can evolve over the years. It is possible to become a senior business developer and get more responsibilities. You can also choose to work for a larger structure. You have the opportunity to move up the ladder to the position of project manager or sales manager.

How much does a business developer earn?

The salary received by a business developer depends on several criteria, including experience and the company’s sector of activity. The size of the company is also a factor that influences the level of compensation. In any case, it remains attractive.

When you start in this position, you will earn 3,000 euros per month. A senior business developer earns up to 7,000 euros per month. This can increase further depending on your performance and results.

What studies are required to become a business developer?

If you want to become a business developer, you need to take a marketing course. It is important to obtain your bachelor’s degree. Our advertising school, Sup de Pub, offers programs in line with this career. In the lot, there is the Marketing of Innovation & New Business. At the end of the course, you will obtain the RNCP level 7 title.

Updated 11 March 2024