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Definition and benefits of certification training

What is certification training?

Definition of certification training

A certification course is a recognised course leading to official certification. It is automatically listed in the RNCP (Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles) and the RS (Répertoire spécifique). As a reminder, these organisations are responsible for issuing authorisations for certification courses.

A strict assessment

The RNCP issues certificates guaranteeing the skills required to practise a profession. To do this, the body uses an assessment reference system. The RS, for its part, awards additional certificates to people who have completed training leading to certification.

A professional assessor evaluates the skills acquired through certification courses. This assessment concerns all levels of diploma and certification. This measure, set out in article L6113-1 of the French Labour Code, also applies to all sectors of activity.

Types of certification training

There are two types of certification courses:

  • professional qualifications . These are certifications awarded by the Ministry of Employment and registered in the RNCP ;
  • professional qualification certificates (CQP ). The latter are specific to a professional branch. They are accredited by all companies working in the same sector. The skills acquired relate to the reality of their professions.

Why take a certification course?

Before choosing any training course, a number of criteria need to be considered. These include the budget, professional expectations, the quality of the course and the time available. In the case of certification training, it is advisable to take a number of factors into consideration.

Acquiring new skills

Certification courses are generally divided into several blocks of skills. These are independent of each other. The choice of course varies according to the level of priority of each of these skills. Once all the skills have been validated, the participant obtains overall certification. This type of training is particularly practical for employees already in post.

Eligibility for the CPF

Certification courses have the advantage of being eligible for the CPF (Personal Training Account). This is a considerable advantage when it comes to financing employees’ training needs. Visit the official France Compétences website to consult the latest list of certified training courses.

Enhancing your Curriculum Vitae

Many students and employees sign up for certification courses to enhance their CVs. Companies pay particular attention to talent with these specific skills. This increases their chances of being hired by major international firms. Certification training also helps to build a more successful career over the long term.

Training leading to certification meets the needs of companies

Before certifying any training, training institutions must study the needs of the market. This involves analysing job opportunities and the skills that are most in demand. People who follow a training course leading to certification have a better chance of quickly finding a job suited to their plans.

Who can provide training leading to certification?

A certifier approves the accreditation of organisations wishing to deliver certification courses. To do this, the authorities check which partners are authorised to deliver these certifications. A request must be submitted to France Compétences via their website. The declaration will then be finalised with the certifying bodies.

The data is published and submitted to Caisse des Dépôts. Caisse des Dépôts is responsible for checking the entities delivering certification training via the EDOF platform. Thanks to the application of this rule, 42,000 qualifications have been approved within France Compétences . The aim is to provide apprentices with comprehensive, enriched training as part of their professional development.

What is the difference between certification, qualification and diploma courses?

Qualifying training leads to a certificate of aptitude or an attestation of training. No diploma or certification is awarded on completion of the course. This course focuses mainly on a specific area of expertise rather than on a profession as such.

Certification training enablesexisting skills to be developed further and competencies to be improved. It is taken with the aim of helping employees to become more efficient at work.

Diploma courses, on the other hand, are an integral part of certification training. They enable students to obtain a state-recognised diploma. These include BTS, baccalauréat, DUT, master’s, licence and doctorate degrees.

Do Sup de Pub courses lead to certification?

The courses offered by the Sup de Pub communication school range from the first to the fifth year. The school offers certification to employees who wish to deepen their knowledge and skills in their profession. Sup de pub also offers state-recognised diplomas based on the LMD system.