With our Bachelor’s and Master’s of Sciences programs, you can obtain a state-certified RNCP qualification and a level of study that is recognized throughout Europe.

Better understanding
An RNCP certification is issued by the Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles. It enables holders to prove that they have the skills, aptitudes and knowledge required to practise a profession or activity in a specific professional field.
Official recognition of skills.
National qualifications issued by the Ministry of Employment.
Simplified financing.
Easier integration into the world of work.
Highly attractive to businesses.
Qualifications accessible via VAE.
Valuing your skills on the job market
Developed in consultation with professionals in the sector, RNCP certifications target the know-how sought by companies and aligned with market needs. They are awarded to specific vocational training courses, incorporating various blocks of skills required to practice a specific profession.
Registration of a training course in the RNCP attests to a level of qualification that is officially recognised by France Compétences, the national authority responsible for funding and regulating vocational training and apprenticeships. The qualifications obtained cover a wide range of certifications, from level 3 (CAP/BEP equivalent) to level 8 (doctorate equivalent).

3rd year undergraduate equivalent
The programs below lead to the state-recognized RNCP n°34589 level 6 title “Chargé de Communication Plurimédia”, delivered in partnership by Formatives under the Sup de Pub agreement (NSF codes 320n and 320p, registered with the RNCP on 24/04/2020, delivered by FORMATIVES)
- Communication and Brand Strategy (option communication strategy and option event communication)
- Communication and Digital Marketing (option digital marketing and webmarketing and option social media and community management)
France Compétences leaflet for the Chargé de Communication Plurimédia title
Registration of the title by Formatives in the répertoire national des certifications professionnelle by order of 24/04/2020, published in the Journal Officiel of 24/04/2020 for a period of 5 years.
This title is currently being renewed
The program below leads to the state-recognized RNCP n°34592 level 6 title “Concepteur en Création Visuelle”:
- Communication and Visual Production (graphic design option and audiovisual design option. The motion design / immersive experience option is currently being created)
France Compétences leaflet for the “Concepteur en Création Visuelle” title
Awarded by Sup de Pub, registered under number 34592 in the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles by decision of France Compétences on 24/04/2020, published in the Journal Officiel on 21/03/2021 for a period of 5 years.
2nd year postgraduate equivalent
The following programs qualify for the RNCP number 38589 at level 7:
France compétences leaflet for the “Direction Artistique” title
Issued by Sup de Pub, Centre d’Etudes Européen Ouest, Centre d’Etudes Européen du Sud Ouest, Centre d’Etudes Européen Rhône Alpes, diploma code 16X32101, registered under code RNCP 38589 on 02 February 2024 for a period of 3 years.
The following programs qualify for the RNCP number 38589 at level 7:
- Communication and Media Strategy
- Luxury and Fashion Communication (English Track)
- Communication et production visuelle
- Creative Strategies & Strategic Planning (English Track)
- Health and Wellness Communication
- Event Strategy and Production
- Communication for Cultural and Creative Industries
France compétences leaflet for the “Manager de la communication de marque” title
Issued by Sup de Pub, Centre d’Etudes Européen Ouest, Centre d’Etudes Européen du Sud Ouest, Centre d’Etudes Européen Rhône Alpes, diploma code 16X32037, registered under code RNCP 37775 on 19 July 2023 for a period of 3 years.
The following programs qualify for the RNCP number 38589 at level 7:
France compétences leaflet for the “Content Manager” title
Issued by Sup de Pub, Centre d’Etudes Européen Ouest, Centre d’Etudes Européen du Sud Ouest, Centre d’Etudes Européen Rhône Alpes, diploma code 16X32038, registered under code RNCP 37776 on 19 July 2023 for a period of 3 years.
The following programs qualify for the RNCP number 38589 at level 7:
France compétences leaflet for the “Manager de la stratégie digitale” title
Issued by Sup de Pub, Centre d’Etudes Européen Ouest, Centre d’Etudes Européen du Sud Ouest, Centre d’Etudes Européen Rhône Alpes, diploma code 16X32038, registered under code RNCP 37793 on 19 July 2023 for a duration of 3 years.

Better understanding
Each year completed at Sup de Pub gives you 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits. This academic recognition means that your years of study can be accredited in all EU member countries. It simplifies your mobility from one establishment to another in France and Europe and gives you the possibility of resuming your studies if you take a break, without having to retake the credits already validated.
Quality certification
As part of the “Professional Future” law, Qualiopi certification attests to the quality of the training services provided by Sup de Pub. This certification is a real guarantee of reliability, guaranteeing the excellence of the programs and supervision on our campuses, as well as our uncompromising commitment to our students.
Quality certification has been awarded for TRAINING ACTIONS and APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING ACTIONS at our establishments in :
Qualiopi Certificate Paris >
Qualiopi Certificate Lyon >
Qualiopi Certificate Bordeaux >
Qualiopi Certificate Rennes >

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