NBA Street redesign / Sup de Pub x Hoops Factory

Home » NBA Street redesign / Sup de Pub x Hoops Factory

Organisé par l’agence Le Vestiaire, ainsi que les intervenants Florent Larronde et Edouard Allegret, le dernier workshop des SP5 Direction Artistique est le plus insolite de l’année !

At the heart of street basketball

NBA Street is a video game for consoles and PC, whose last volume (No. 3) dates from 2005. 17 years later the students imagined the launch of volume 4, on mobile.

To start, they immersed themselves in the world of streetball, namely iconic players and movies, street art, rap, but also showtime and trashtalk!

Then, in just one week, the teams went all out to come up with the graphic redesign, the launch strategy on Instagram, and a linked event.

Where is the unusual?

Because we don’t do things by halves, the presentation of the renderings took place at the Hoops Factory basketball court in Bordeaux!

A quality jury was present: the two speakers, Le Vestiaire and the manager of Hoops Factory of course, but also the French 3×3 basketball team player Alex Vialaret and the former NBA player Ronny Turiaf!

Bonus in scoring if a 3-point shot is scored!

Spoiler alert: no student made it… A quality game to forget about!

Updated 6 May 2022