Home » Workshop: producing a digital event from A to Z

Workshop: producing a digital event from A to Z


The 4th year events students worked on the design and production of three digital programmes broadcast live on LinkedIn and Facebook. The project called on their skills in digital event organisation, online communication and on-stage hosting.

The project

For several months, the students imagined and produced programs from A to Z. This process included :

  • Defining topics and finding speakers
  • Conducting interviews and micro-trotters
  • Managing communication before, during and after the event
  • Online moderation and moderating the boards


Program 1: Popular education, the art of living together

This programme explores how sharing experiences and accepting differences can enrich our lives, both at school and at work.


Hosted by : Elisa Belazrague and Thibaut Bacha

With features and reports:

  • Marie Simonnet, former student at an alternative school
  • Sylvie Hazebroucq, Founder of l’infirmerie à émotions
  • Julian Le Goff, Co-Founder of La Cuisine de Camille

Program no. 2: Gironde en musique: we decipher!

This program focuses on music venues, the electro scene, classical music and their impact on local culture.


Hosted by : Yuna Ropers and Enzo Jacques-André-Coquin

With artistic and cultural activities:

  • Almä Mango, Hip-Hop & Rap artist
  • Nico Cabos, Rock School Barbey
  • Ulysse Labeyrie and Marin Pollet, students at the Bordeaux Conservatoire
  • Margot Bertin and Léa Moulinas, columnist and Sup de Pub student


Program no. 3: Bordeaux and proximity: bringing generations together

This program looks at local initiatives to promote intergenerational links and proximity in the Bordeaux region.


  • Vincent Maurin, Deputy Mayor of the Bordeaux Maritime district
  • Manon Toeriman, Les Petites Cantines Bordeaux
  • Romain Dostes, Vice-Chairman in charge of Policy for the Elderly in Gironde
  • Pascal Derache, Ageless cycling
  • David Honegger, Associate Director at Aggelos

Hosted by : Romane Corbisez and Nicolas Chacun

With testimonials and interviews:

  • Jean-Paul Taillardas, Supercoop Bordeaux
  • Mati Bombardier, Association Proxité
  • Frédéric Gali, President of the Coqs Rouges Dodgeball Association
  • Joris Liberati, AQUINUM Association

The role of the school

Sup de Pub offered an immersive learning environment where students could put into practice their skills in project management, animation and the production of digital events. By working with professionals, they also acquired valuable technical knowledge in broadcasting and capturing live broadcasts.

In a nutshell

A program to bring your ambitions to life