Everything you need to know about the Design product owner job: studies, salary…

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Digital tools are more than efficient to enhance a brand. They contribute to improve the e-reputation and the notoriety of a company. For their creation, the latter can count on the skills of the Design product owner. He plays the role of orchestra leader in the management of the project. In this article, you will find all the relevant information about this profession. We present its advantages as well as the studies to do in order to practice it one day.

What is a Design product owner?

The profession of Design product owner has only recently arrived in Europe. It is in full deployment. He is above all a designer. He is also a conductor who leads several teams. These other areas of intervention are marketing and development.

This IT technician designs digital tools for the development of the company. This includes the website, applications, management software or performance monitoring. He assures that these instruments are as powerful as they are beautiful. He is particularly interested in the ergonomics of the interface and its balance. It ensures that the user experience remains smooth and enjoyable.

His work has a positive impact on an organization’s bottom line. This brings new markets and attracts potential customers. To optimize the success of his project, he monitors and studies the market to determine trends and new developments.

The Design product owner sets up the web project from A to Z. He determines the essential steps as well as the necessary timeframe. It is also known as digital project manager, web project manager or IT project manager. He is the liaison between the client and the technical teams.

He identifies the expectations and needs of the client and transmits the vision of the product to his team. He supervises all stages of development and adjusts the result according to the client’s requests.

To do his job, he has technical skills in marketing and web development. He has a perfect command of Agile / Scrum methodologies. He is organized and responsive.

What are the missions of the Design product owner?

The missions of the Design product owner are still little known. While much of this work involves team management and development, there are other tasks that are assigned to him. This includes:

  • market watch on the trade concerned to keep abreast of new developments;
  • identification of the sponsor’s needs ;
  • the definition of the product targets to be able to adapt the final product;
  • the project set-up with the deadline and the budget;
  • briefing its teams on the requirements for the project;
  • setting up a schedule for rendering and testing;
  • Management of technical constraints and provision of solutions to developers;
  • management of customer comments and criticisms and their transmission to the relevant teams;
  • the development of a backlog to categorize the tasks;
  • the establishment of a stock of user stories to monitor progress and facilitate continuity;
  • management of the imposed budget and deadlines;
  • the argument if there are overruns.

Why become a Design product owner?

If you are still hesitating to choose this career, here are its advantages. Firstly, it is a new profession in Europe. This means that it will become more and more popular. In addition, the importance of its role in the development of the turnover of companies is not negligible. This will certainly promote their interest.

Secondly, this agent is very versatile. His missions range from development to project and team management. In other words, your days are not likely to be the same when you choose this profession. It’s more fulfilling than a developer’s job that stays in front of the computer all the time.

Finally, this profession can evolve to many higher positions. You have that of Scrum Master or Product Manager. There is also the possibility of co-founding a start-up.

How much does a Design Product Owner earn?

The Design Product Owner position allows you to live comfortably thanks to its rewarding salary. A beginner can earn between €40,000 and €45,000 gross per year. This is equivalent to approximately €3,500 per month. A confirmed profile will get up to 65 000 € per year, that is to say more than 5 000 € per month.

What are the educational requirements to become a Design Product Owner?

If you want to practice this profession in the future, you should know that you will need to obtain a bachelor’s degree in digital marketing. Our advertising school Sup de pub suggests the following specializations :

  • UI & Digital Design;
  • Users & Data Marketing Course;
  • Innovation Marketing & New Business ;
  • SP5 Digital Marketing, Innovation & Start-up Project.

You can join them with a bac+4 or bac+5. The alternating rhythm is perfect for those who want to juggle studies and work. At the end of your studies, you will be awarded a level 7 RNCP title.

Updated 11 March 2024