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Everything you need to know about the job of Fan Experience Manager: studies, salary…

What is a fan experience manager?

A fan experience manager establishes the sports marketing strategy. The concept of fan experience is the equivalent of customer or user experience in traditional marketing. The aim of this expert is to improve the public’s experience during a sporting event, and even afterwards. He carries out operations to make it unique and exceptional for each fan.

Before the event takes place, it is his job to get the word out. Once the event is over, he makes sure it gets the best possible coverage. He reports on the match, produces a best of of of key moments and distributes photos.

His role involves the overall organisation of the event. This includes setting up the ticketing system and managing the commercial side. It also involves coordinating activities, teams and logistics.

It even participates in the development and implementation of communication strategies for the event. He makes sure that they are effective enough to reach the maximum target audience. In other words, subscribers, spectators and guest partners.

The fan experience manager is much in demand by the major leagues and sports clubs. They may also work at sports venues. In addition to all these functions, they are responsible for the digital experience. Most stadiums have web applications and an online presence.

What are the duties of the Fan Experience Manager?

The tasks of the Fan Experience Manager are very varied, as they have a bit of everything. They are responsible for ensuring the success of a sporting event. In their day-to-day work, they are required to :

  • conduct a monitoring campaign to determine fans’ expectations;
  • implement an effective sports marketing strategy;
  • determine action plans to facilitate the implementation of its strategy;
  • putting together event projects from A to Z ;
  • make the fan experience unique and enjoyable;
  • guaranteeing fan satisfaction;
  • publicise and promote the sporting event;
  • take care of all organisational aspects;
  • communicate about the event by choosing the best levers and tools ;
  • manage the connected stadium, applications and social networks;
  • set up follow-up actions to keep fans entertained: compilation of the best moments, distribution of key photos, articles and comments.

Why become a Fan Experience Manager?

Becoming a Fan Experience Manager is an advantage for sports fans. It’s an exciting and rewarding field in many ways. You will be in contact with the major sports teams. You find and negotiate with potential partners. You even have the chance to travel.

What’s more, this profession is new to Europe. So the opportunities will multiply over the coming years. Once you’ve finished your studies, it won’t be too difficult to find a job that matches your skills.

There are a number of career paths open to you in this sector. The positions of stadium director and stadium manager are open to you after a few years’ experience. By choosing this profession, you can be sure of earning a good living. What’s more, depending on your results, you may receive shares.

How much does a Fan Experience Manager earn?

The salary of a fan experience manager, as in all fields, depends on the profile and skills involved. The level varies greatly depending on the size of the organisation and the prestige of the stadium or employer.

On average, remuneration varies between 27,000 and 30,000 euros gross per year. This means that the expert receives up to 2,500 euros per month. An experienced fan manager will earn 4,000 or even 5,000 euros a month.

What studies do I need to do to become a Fan Experience Manager?

You need to have studied sports marketing to be able to pursue a career in this field. You need at least a 3-year degree. However, the best profiles have a bac+5 level. Our Sup de Pub advertising school offers specialisations in this field. We have :

  • Event Strategy & Production ;
  • Marketing & Communication for the Cultural and Creative Industries.

Both courses are offered on a sandwich course basis. They lead to a level 7 RNCP qualification . For greater accessibility, we offer our students campuses in France’s largest cities. We are also open to international applicants.